Hazardous Location Linear Position Sensors

NewTek Sensor Solutions October 18, 2022

NewTek Hazardous Location Position Sensors monitor the structural integrity of LNG tanks, helping to meet Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations for structural health monitoring. To prepare LNG for export, natural gas is cooled to cryogenic temperatures at liquefication facilities, then stored as a liquid until pumped into LNG tanker ships for export. The LNG storage tanks are double- walled, consisting of an inner container that holds the liquid and an outer container of vapor pressure that insulates it and serves as a backup in the event of a leak. NewTek Hazardous Location LVDT Position Sensors measure the inner tank position in relation to the external tank to provide operators with a complete picture of any movement of the structure caused by thermal contraction or expansion in any direction, as well as the settling or shifting of the tank foundation. The sensors offer extremely accurate displacement measurement that is essential to monitoring the spacing between the tank containers, which is inaccessible by operators for years at a time. In operation, LVDT brackets are affixed to at least six locations along the outer tank at 60° apart. The LVDT core rod is connected

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